28 April 2014

New Look

Assalammualaikum readers!

On last saturday, me, my dad and my siblings was go to Mines Shopping Fair. Niat nak pergi sana nak buat my new speck actually and yeah I got a new speck. Thanks ayah :') Now I'm look really really macam student *ok sebelum ni tak macam student ke err. Tak tak I mean sekarang nampak macam nerd sikit. So I'm decide nak beli speck yang macam wayfarer tu. For me design dia really cool and I love it! So here me put the picture of me ------->

(Ok please don't laugh ahaa. Like seriously sekarang tengok muka sendiri dah macam Pororo)

Okay thats all nak update hikss. Till we meet again inshaaAllah :) Da daaa fellas~~


Mek Onie said...

suka gak spekkkkk pesen nerd nerd,hik

N-Addens said...

@Mek Onie
Suka jgak ye hihi. Rasa mcam cool2 je :D